Dental Cleaning Prophy Powder, 130G
Dental Cleaning Prophy Powder, 130G
Dental Cleaning Prophy Powder, 130G

Dental Cleaning Prophy Powder, 130G

Regular price Dhs. 20.00

The sand is made of a special sandblasted tooth powder, mainly composed of sodium bicarbonate powder. Be used to remove dental plaque and pigment by spraying the head of the sandblasting head on the tooth surface. Suitable for cleaning the dental plaque and pigment spot in the tooth space which is not easy to reach by ultrasonic cleaning machine. The cleaning efficiency of the tooth surface pigment is much higher than that of an ultrasonic cleaning machine. Sandblasting can not only polish the outside of the teeth but also can polish the teeth between the teeth. Dental plaque and pigment are not easy to adhere to after polishing.

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